"An Athlete sweats more in 5
years than a couch potato sweats in 75
years" - Dr Wallach
Athletes, exercise and supplements. It is vital to know, as Dr Joel
Wallach has discovered, that when we
sweat we are
not only getting cooled down and losing some water weight,
but we are also losing our 90 essential nutrients through what Dr
Wallach calls a "soup" of sweat. If we don't put
these nutrients back into
our bodies through proper supplementation with
My90forLife products, especially the 60 minerals, then we are
shortening our lives tremendously.
Watch these videos, listen carefully and take notes and this wisdom can
very literally save your life!
" Our bodies need no less than 90 essential
nutrients, and there are as
many as 10 deficiency diseases that can result for each nutrient that
is missing for any length of time. This is a total of up to 900
diseases that can be PREVENTED with proper nutrition." - Dr. Joel
Wallach, BS, DVM, ND, Founder of Youngevity
And Nutrition - Exercise And Supplementation - Exercising
And Not Supplementing Properly Is Dangerous
Body Start Pak:
Beyond Tangy Tangerine
(regular and 2.0):2 scoops per 100 lbs body weight,
to two times per day Beyond
Liquid or Powder - 1 Fl Oz, or 1 Scoop per 100 lbs body
weight per day Ultimate EFA Plus:3 Caps per 100
lbs per day
Rebound: 2
tablespoons (one FL Oz) before or after a workout
Our Team And Take The Healthy Body Challenge!
Get These Supplements At 30% Off or To Become A Distributor Go To: Our
90 For Life Store
the information on this website is intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease or to take the place of your
physician. All
that is
recommended on this site is to support and promote your health. The
statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food
and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this Web site or
in emails is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended
to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not
use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or
illnesses without consulting your pediatrician or family doctor.